The Locations feature displays a list of all locations sorted by location name. It provides the average shop score for that location for all surveys. Also included are the number of shops that were scored. The list of locations can be re-sorted by clicking on the underlined header title links: Store ID, Name [State], Subdivisions, or YTD Avg.
The list of locations can be filtered to display a subset of locations by entered various criteria in the fields in the column headers.
Location ID
To display a specific location, enter the store ID into the ID field. Partial entries are allowed. Therefore, if you enter "ca" as the store ID all store IDs that begin with "ca" will be displayed in the results.
Location Name
To display a specific location or group of locations by name, enter the name of the store. Partial entries are allowed.
To display a list of locations by a specific subdivision, select a subdivision from the Subdivision Filter list.
Year to Date Average
To view only locations that scored within a specific range, enter the range in the YTD Avg fields. For example, to only view locations that scored lower than 40%, enter 0 to 40 in the score fields. The first number entered should be the lower percentage and the second number is the higher number. If a higher number is entered in the first field and a lower number is entered in a second field, no results will be returned. Also, if one field is not completed, it will default to the lowest or highest number available (0% or 100%).
After you have selected the options you prefer, click GO to search for locations that match the criteria you've entered. The results will display in columns below the search criteria.
The results can be re-sorted by any of the underlined columns header names: Location ID, Location Name [State], Subdivisions, or YTD Avg.
Additional Options
This opens a page that allows you to view the location information including the managers for that location. Additional Year To Date scoring information breaks down the average score by survey (if multiple have been used) and display the overall year to date score.
Note: To return to the list of locations without losing your search results click the "Back to list of Locations" link.
This link displays the individual shop scores for that location. It includes all shops for the current year to date sorted by shop date.