The Multiple Survey Report give a summary for each survey for the client, and then an overall summary of all the surveys averaged together.  If any subdivisions are checked off, the report will also give a list of all the subdivisions with shops and their average scores.  These averages are for all surveys combined.

Select Multiple Survey from Multiple Survey Reports drop down on Client Reports page.

Select Go.

Select the date range to run the report on.

The SHOW ONLY SHOPS IN pull downs will filter the data if needed.

The SHOW SUBDIVISION SCORES checkboxes allow you to select which levels, groups, or ULGs to include in the report.

The SORT SCORES BY setting lets you choose the sorting of the results by Name or by Score.

The Show subsectional scores checkbox will include averages for subsections on the report.

The report supports graphing for the Overall and Sections Scores broken due per survey.  You can also set the minimum and maximum values for the Y axis so that if the data is clustered tightly, you can zoom the graph in on a smaller Y range.

There is also the option to make use of Link Multiple Surveys feature which lets you tie together single sections from different surveys.

Select Full View to view the data within the same window or Print View to view the data in a new easily printed window.