The Email Link Distribution report (also called Email Web Links) allows distribution of shop links to the different level managers for the selected survey.
Note: This report does not filter by levels.
The Email Link Distribution Report can be accessed from the Client Reports page within the Report Distribution drop down and selecting Go.
Email Web Links
The Email Web Links page allows you to automatically distribute shop links to all levels of client managers. It determines which shops belong to which managers and distributes shop links to the appropriate managers accordingly. Each manager will receive an email containing links to only his or her shops. The System also tracks who has already received each link, to ensure that a manager does not receive a link more than once. This tracking is done on a per-manager basis, so distributing a link to a manager for one level will not prevent it from being sent to a manager of another level.
Select the survey that you wish to create links for; this report only supports single survey selection.
Choose between using Shop Date or Report Date for date range selection.
Select a date range for the shops you would like to distribute. You may choose any start and end date for this range.
You can choose the primary and secondary sort order of the data; you may choose by Score, Location ID, Location Name or Date Shopped by selecting one of these options from the drop down list next to "and sort them by".
You can choose to limit the data by using the SHOW ONLY SHOPS IN filter.
New vs. All Shops
You may choose if you would like to include only NEW shops, or if you would like to include ALL shops in your distribution. Choosing NEW will ensure that links that were already sent to a particular manager will not be sent again. Choosing ALL will send links to all shops within your date range, regardless of if they have been distributed in the past.
Send emails to
Next, you must choose to which managers you would like to distribute links. You may choose any type of manager, from the managers for individual locations all the way up to the company contact.
Each manager will receive only links to shops in his or her district. Thus, a Branch manager will receive only links for shops that occurred at his branch. A Zone manager will receive only links that occurred within her zone. The Company Contact and Client Supervisor will receive links to all shops. When distributing to the Company Contact, you may supply up to two additional email addresses. These addresses will also receive links to all shops. Choosing All managers will distribute links to all types of
managers and the additional email addresses at the same time.
Email Properties
You may then specify the From Address, Subject, and Additional Comments for your email. The From Address will default to the email address associated with your account, but it may be changed to any valid email address.
The Subject field is optional. When a Subject is given, it will be used as the subject for all emails that are sent. If a Subject is not supplied, one will be generated when the emails are sent, which will include the manager type and date range.
Additionally, Comments may be added that will be prepended at the beginning of each email, before the shop links are displayed.
Preview vs. Send Now
Finally, you may choose if you would like to email the links now, or view a preview of the emails before they are sent. When previewing, you may specify the maximum number of emails you would like to view. Preview mode is the default, so you must choose "Email Web Links Now" for the links to be distributed.
Click the Go button to either preview your emails or send the emails.
If you choose to preview the emails, you will then see a preview of each email that will be sent, up to the maximum number specified. Each email will have a To and From address, a subject, and a body that will include any comments that you supplied. The body will also include a short summary for each shop, including the score, shop date, location ID and name, and its state and country. Underneath each summary will be a link to that particular shop. Shops appear sorted by score, with the highest scoring shop appearing at the top.
If you choose to send the emails, the bottom of the page will say 'Emails Sent'